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AffiliateWP – Zapier for AffiliateWP
- 11.11.2021
- 1.4
- 100% An Toàn
- Tải Xuống Trực Tiếp
- Cập Nhật Liên Tục
- Hỗ Trợ 24/7
- Tiết Kiệm Chi Phí
Mô tả
AffiliateWP – Zapier for AffiliateWP
The Zapier because AffiliateWP add-on allows you after connect AffiliateWP together with over 700 one of a kind net services, the use of your Zapier account.
Any app available inside Zapier perform stand linked in accordance with AffiliateWP.
The Zapier add-on authenticates including you Zapier tab the use of the API Keysfeature on hand between AffiliateWP 1.9 and last :
This add-on perform has guide because of both Zapier Actions and Triggers. You can notify Zapier now the desired AffiliateWP pastime takes place of your website (such so a recent referral existence created), as like properly as create, update, and weed somebody number of affiliates, referrals, visits, creatives, then payouts!
Any era AffiliateWP recreation happens concerning thy site, agreement you’ve enabled Zapier in accordance with operate and yet thy web page is authenticated as like noted above, that facts is performed on hand in conformity with third-party applications by REST API endpoints.
Using these endpoints according to rule the Zapier add-on, we’re capable to open AffiliateWP after the enormous world over the Zapier app ecosystem.
Have a seem to be at the principal services available…